An open word to the payment
Because there is no big name or a big company hides behind my watches, I understand a certain skepticism about the advance payment and balance perfectly. However, I can absolutely guarantee a correct transaction (honestly I really would choose an easier way to take advantage of someone than the more than arduous journey to build a watch!). René Kriegbaum indeed does not operate under a PO Box address or even abroad and the bank account is, of course at a German bank. In addition, to show you yet that this is a really serious watch purchase, I can offer the possibility of an escrow service. The escrow service is available for the remaining balance (for the advance payment it makes no sense of course). But as a result of increased effort and cost for this service, I would (only) provide you with the costs (currently 1% in the Euro Payments Area (SEPA countries), or outside the SEPA area 3% of the product value) for the escrow service. Of course private views and buying are possible too, but only outside the establishment and by appointment only (no watches or cash are kept on the premises for security reasons).